Embarking on a Disney or Universal vacation can seem quite intimidating. With all of the endless tips and tricks available on the internet and deadlines to remember, it can often feel like a second job trying to plan your vacation. Plus, there is the pressure of getting it right. Along with the often high expense, there are often super high expectations from everyone involved. After all, it is supposed to be the “happiest place on earth” or so they say.
Shouldn’t this be easier? At Magical Adventure Co. we think so!
Whether you like the whole planning thing and just need some extra support or a second look, you want someone to do it all for you, or you fall somewhere in the middle, we have just the thing for you. As you embark on your Disney or Universal vacation, we'll be your guide. From choosing the right hotel and ticket options, to personalized planning and touring strategies, you can be confident that your adventure truly will be magical. Just click here to get started!
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Why did you start Magical Adventure Co.?Throughout our many adventures, we have seen numerous families getting this whole planning thing right and having a magical trip. But we have also run into those who end up with a much less than magical experience, vowing to never return again. Since we love these theme parks so much, we don’t want anyone to fall into the latter group. Reading a blog or watching a video is no substitute for a personal conversation. We wanted to provide that along with other valuable services to help people feel confident as they embark on their planning journey.
What does personalized planning mean?Whether you are a couple without kids looking to visit Walt Disney World for the first time, a group of friends planning a theme park getaway to Universal Orlando, or a family looking to take the children to Disneyland, every trip is different and - most importantly - comes with different expectations. Along with that, no day in Disney or Universal is the same. So, rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all plan or list of specific steps to follow, we help you understand the parks in a way that’s right for you. We'll help you plan and even help you adapt on the fly to have a fantastic experience.
Why do you call it an adventure?Many people go to Disney and Universal looking for a relaxing vacation. And well, it's just not really worth the money if that's what you want. Instead, a theme park trip is really an adventure. It requires a lot of planning, getting up early, and walking A LOT. And the fun and excitement is totally worth it! But the best part is that if you plan well, you can also make time for the things that are often found on those relaxing vacations like hanging out by the pool, strolling along a waterfront, or eating a fantastic meal.